HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
The HiGain® Wideband 3190 (WBS-3190) combines an industry-standard STS-1 or DS3
multiplexer with ADC’s industry-standard HDSL, HDSL2 or HDSL4 distribution system. The
Wideband implementation maintains full compatibility and interoperability with HiGain legacy
products. This product compatibility allows you to protect your current investment in HDSL, while
benefitting from our latest technology developments.
• Versatile, open-system architecture
• Defined migration path from DS3 to STS-1 network interfaces
• Integrated HDSL distribution system with STS-1 or DS3 multiplexing function
• Telcordia TIRKS™ and NMA™ integration for flow-through service provisioning
and alarm surveillance
• Extremely low cost per port
• Integrated, open management system
• Optional 1+1 board protection on the DS3 or STS-1 interface
• NEBS Level 3 and UL compliance
• Supports TL1-based remote metallic and electrical test access systems (MLT)
• Hekimian PMI compliant
• Interoperable with Harris 107 Test Set
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HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
DS3 Multiplexer Standard Features
• Supports M13 and C-Bit parity frame format
• Supports extensive loopbacks on DS3 and DS1 interfaces
• Flexible Time Slot Assignment (TSA) capabilities
• Both in-band and out-of-band loopback control
• Full 1+1 network services and card protection option
• Front-panel DSX-1 test access
• Non-volatile storage of all configuration data
• Comprehensive Operations, Administration, Maintenance
and Provisioning (OAM&P) data
• Front panel LED indicators for power, alarm
and fault monitoring
STS-1 Multiplexer Standard Features
• Supports VT1.5 and VT2 SONET mapping
• Supports extensive loopbacks on STS-1 and DS1 interfaces
• Complete Time Slot Assignment (TSA) flexibility
• Full 1+1 network services and card protection option
• Non-volatile storage of all configuration data
• Comprehensive Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) data
• Front panel LED indicators for power, alarm and fault monitoring
HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4 Industry-Leading Benefits
• Full-rate T1 over a single copper pair means that you can cost-effectively meet today’s demand for
voice, data and video services
• Industry-standard interoperability results in cost-effective implementation and network expansion
• Reach up to 12,000 ft on 24 AWG enables service to more customers
• HDSL supports greater distances with a 5-span reach of up to 60 kft on 24 AWG
• Systems are fully network manageable and support TL1 language
• Supports communications protocols such as Telnet, RS-232 and X.25
• Supports a local craft interface for provisioning and alarm reporting
• Supports dry contact alarm relay monitoring systems
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HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
O rd e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
Catalog Number
CO Elements
Wideband 3190 shelf, Metallic Line Testing (MLT), Digital Test Access (DTA)
HDSL HiGain Line Unit
HMS-358 L5, L6
HLU-319 L5
HDSL2 HiGain Line Unit
HDSL4 HiGain Line Unit
HiGain multiplexer unit for STS-1
HiGain multiplexer unit for DS3
HiGain Fan Assembly
HFA-357 L1
HiGain Management Unit
HTC-319 L1
HiGain Test Card, Test and Loop-through Card
HiGain Cut-through Card
HCC-319 L2
Span Elements
HDSL HiGain Doubler Unit for “200-400” remote-style mechanics
HDSL HiGain Doubler Unit for “239” mechanics
HDSL4 HiGain Doubler Unit for “239” mechanics
Remote Elements
HDU-409 L2A
HDSL HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics
HDSL2 HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics
HDSL4 HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics
Outdoor Span Element Housing
HRU-402 L1
Remote Enclosure , Single/Dual Slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30” Gel Stub**
HDSL4 Single-Shot™ Enclosure with integrated Repeater (H4D-409-L2)
Radiator II, 8 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub*
Radiator II, 8 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub*
Radiator II, 16 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub*
Radiator II, 16 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub*
Encaser® 819, 24 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub*
Encaser® 819, 24 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub*
Outdoor Remote Element Housing
HRE-602 L1
Remotes/Doublers, 4 slot, 200/400 mechanics, 30’ Gel Stub
Remotes/Doublers, 4 slot, 200/400 mechanics, 30’ Air Stub
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, Gel Stub
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, Air Stub
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, No Stub
x – refer to customer service or technical support for appropriate list number.
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HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
O rd e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
Catalog Number
Indoor Remote Element Housing
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, RJ48X, wall mount
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall mount
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, WW/RJ48C, wall mount
Remote, Dual Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall mount
Remote, Dual Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, WW/RJ48C, wall mount
Remote, Three Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, Wire Wrap, rack mount
Remote, Four Slots, 200 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall/desk mount
Remote, Four Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48X, wall/desk mount
Remote, Six Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48C, PS wall/desk mount
Remote, Six Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48X, PS wall/desk mount
HRE-420 L2
HRE-420 L4
HRE-422 L4
HRE-204 L3A
HRE-204 L3B
HRE-206 L1
HRE-206 L2
Remote, Twelve Slots, 200/400 Mechanics, Wire Wrap/50pin AMP,
wall/desk/rack mount
Indoor Enclosure Accessories
Wallmount hinge for HRE-204
HPS-448 L1
HiGain 400 Mechanics Power Supply, 115 VAC to -48 VDC
HiGain Test Card, 200/400 Mechanics
HTC-400 L1
Cable assembly for HRE-425, 12 port, RJ48C to 50pin AMP
Cable assembly for HRE-425, 12 port, RJ48X to 50pin AMP
x – refer to customer service or technical support for appropriate list number.
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HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
DS3 INTERFACE (multiplexer)
728A coax
Line Rate:
Line Code:
44.736 Mbps 20 ppm
Line Impedance:
Pulse Amplitude:
Jitter Generation:
DS3 Span:
75 Ω 5 Ω unbalanced
0.36V to 0.85V (meets GR-499 requirements)
<0.3 UI rmf
0 to 450 ft (0 to 137m)
STS-1 INTERFACE (multiplexer)
728A coax
Line Rate:
Line Code:
51.84 Mbps 20 ppm
Line Impedance:
Pulse Amplitude:
STS-1 Span:
75 Ω 5 Ω unbalanced
0.36V to 0.85V (meets GR-499 requirements)
0 to 450 ft (0 to 137m)
Output Level:
6 Vpk-pk, pre-equalized for 0–655 ft of ABAM
Input Level:
Line Rate:
Line Format:
Frame Format:
+1.5 to -7.5 dB DSX
100 Ω
1.544 Mbps 200 bps
ESF, SF and unframed
Line Code:
784 kbps 2B1Q
Output Signal:
Two non-loaded two-wire metallic cable pairs
+13.5 dBm 0.5 dB into 135 Ω
135 Ω
Maximum Provisioning Loss:
35 dB at 196 kHz, 135 Ω
Line Code:
1.552 Mbps OPTIS (Overlapped PAM
Transmission with Interlocking Spectra)
Full duplex
One non-loaded two-wire metallic cable pair
Output Signal:
CO Side:
RT Side:
16.8 dBm 0.5 dB from 0-450 kHz into 135 Ω
16.5 dBm 0.5 dB from 0-350 kHz into 135 Ω
135 Ω
Maximum Provisioning Loss:
35 dB at 196 kHz
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HiGain® Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
Wander (looped):
Narrow Wideband Jitter:
Narrowband Jitter (looped):
0.3 UI max (1 UI = 648 ns)
0.3 UI max
0.1 UI max
“210” Bantam Jacks:
Bridging, splitting/line, splitting/drop; wire
wrapped posts on chassis backplane
Wire wrapped posts on chassis backplane
(HMS-358 only)
ACO and visual alarms:
major, critical, minor,
Supports all standard in-band and out-of-band
loopback modes
Craft Port:
OSS Interface:
Front Panel:
RS-232 (DCE) at line unit and remote unit
RS-232 (DTE) at central office chassis X.25
4-character display, status LED, system options
buttons at line unit, status LEDs
CO Supply:
-48 VDC (nom.) (-42.5 VDC to -56.5 VDC)
Each Span:
CSA design rules (e.g. 9 kft @ 26 AWG or 12
kft @ 24 AWG, no load coils, bridged taps per
CSA guidelines)
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From North America, Call Toll Free: 1-800-366-3891 • Outside of North America: +1-952-938-8080
Fax: +1-952-917-3237 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, please refer to our website.
ADC Telecommunications, Inc., P.O. Box 1101, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55440-1101
Specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Because we are continuously
improving our products, ADC reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. At any time, you may
verify product specifications by contacting our headquarters office in Minneapolis. ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
views its patent portfolio as an important corporate asset and vigorously enforces its patents. Products or features
contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents. An Equal Opportunity Employer
104732AE 6/07 Revision © 2003, 2007 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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